This is a blog by the consumer protection practice of CERHA HEMPEL Dezső & Partners. The materials posted here are not, and cannot be construed to be, substitute for specific legal advice. Nevertheless, they can help your business in procedures and inquiries by authorities that investigate consumer protection matters, and more importantly, help you avoid such procedures and inquiries in the first place, primarily with regard to the following key matters:

We can help you avoid unfair commercial practices, such as misleading and aggressive consumer information and advertising. We can draft general terms and conditions for you that meet consumer protection requirements but also provide a robust platform to rely on in unexpected situations and prioritise the company’s profitability and business interests. We can assist you in drawing up your complaints recording, guarantee and quality assurance documentation. We can advise you regardless of whether you are a manufacturer, a wholesaler or a retailer and regardless of the industry or sector that you operate in, because consumer protection rules directly or indirectly apply to all businesses.


Consumer protection law straddles the line between public and private law, and it is a fairly new, multi-disciplinary branch of law that includes substantive and procedural rules alike, with a healthy dose of civil law, commercial law and public administration law. It is a wide-ranging set of rules that are enacted in a smorgasbord of legislation both in Hungary and in the EU. So getting a grasp on it as a whole can be a daunting task, especially given that EU regulations are directly applicable in many areas of consumer protection and most of the relevant Hungarian rules serve to transpose EU directives, and so international companies expect that they should primarily comply with harmonised EU rules; however, Hungary has chosen to introduce stricter rules in many areas in order to guarantee a higher level of consumer protection. So companies are not in an easy situation: accurate knowledge of the regulations, and therefore reliance on precise legal advice, is crucial if they want to prevent infringements and avoid fines.

We will be happy to assist you in all consumer protection issues you might have, so if you have any, please contact us.


There were major changes in consumer protection rules at the end of 2020

Reading time: 4 minutes 2020. Amendments concerning consumer protection regulations were published in two separate issues of Magyar Közlöny, the official government gazette, at the end of last year. The most important new developments include that starting from 1 January 2021, procedures before dispute resolution bodies has been conducted electronically; and from 28 May

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